WITH reference to the letter regarding the state of the entrance to Dog Lane car park in Bewdley, the writer is quite correct. This is not the sort of welcome Bewdley should be giving to visitors.

I have complained many times to Wyre Forest District Council who keep telling us all that we all need to help recycle rubbish. Well the people of Bewdley have been trying to for some years now, but the council do not seem able to empty the recycling bins in the car park.

The bottle bank gets emptied on a regular basis but the others are left to over flow . When I have pointed out these facts the standard answer is "it is not our fault, the contractors have not been".

This has been going on for over two years.

In response to other letters about the failure of rubbish collections, what did people expect!

Our district council is a complete failure. Perhaps the electorate will remember this at the next elections. I would support voting for Dr Richard Taylor as our MP, but the rest of the Health Concern councillors need to go back to the drawing board. They are a complete failure.

There are many groups and societies putting in a lot of hard work in Bewdley to try and attract more tourism.

The new revised refuse system that the district council have imposed on us really helps! On a recent Friday we had 15 bins parked outside the museum from 7am until 3.15pm awaiting collection. What a pleasant sight for visitors.

The area at the top of Load Street had 12 bins awaiting collection for a similar length of time.

During that day we had four separate lorries in the town - all on different collection routes.

I would suggest that whoever is in control of this nightmare gets in touch with their workers and asks their advice. Sitting in your office with an OS map will not work.

We could have one lorry with one crew to cover the whole of Bewdley town centre within three hours early on a Friday morning.

I have taken the time and trouble to ask those people who do the job and I would suggest incompetent Health Concern councillors do the same.

Perhaps we should all support Tony Blair's plans to have regional local government. Then we would not have to worry about Wyre Forest District Council.


The Emporium

Load Street, Bewdley