RICHARD Spencer of the UKIP, unlike other UKIP contributors, often includes a passing swipe at the supposed nest of socialists at the heart of the EU driving policy.

Does he not think that the likes of Messrs Heseltine and Clarke would have spotted this by now if it was the case? Personally I can't see it.

The EU is regularly lobbied by international business interests and evidently listens. It favours liberalising employment practices, which means less protection for employees, making it an employers' market.

Along with the US it favours imposing the purchase of genetically-modified products on EU partner countries who are unwilling buyers.

The European Central Bank and the Commission are unaccountable bodies that cannot be removed by the electorate. I fail to see anything vaguely socialist about this.

On the other hand, I do not understand either why card-carrying Conservatives want to be part of a giant cross-subsidy scheme. I thought they advocated standing on our own feet?