DID I tell you that I go to the gym? I know there are those that might say why, and what is it doing for me?

Well, I have lost a bit of weight and do look and feel a bit fitter, but I have to be honest and say I don't really enjoy the gym.

I enjoy the shower after, and stopping in the Greasy Apron Chippy and the back bar of the Barmaids Arms on the way home, but the gym, itself, is hard work...and sometimes it hurts.

''No gain without pain'' used to be the motto of the fitness instructor, but it's a bit different now and you aren't supposed to do ''too much'' and if it hurts you should stop.

But if I stop when it hurts, I'll be stopping after about five minutes.

Now, there are some very nice people in the gym, no really, very nice people, and you don't have to be an Adonis to use the gym (example - DA Bradley esq) but there are always one or two who do fancy themselves...posers I guess.

They tend to have some tight lycra on, and spend ages doing their thing. Me, I go in, do me bit, and get off out, but it seems every time I go in the gym this one bloke is there.

Now don't get me wrong, each to his own I say, but spending a lot of time in the gym, sweaty bodies and MTV on the telly...not my idea of heaven.

Now, a little tip for the gym, don't try and do what someone else is doing.

On the rowing machine one day, a youngish lady sat next to me, and as a bloke, of course, I could keep up with her, or at least my ego says I can.

And to start with I kept up with her, comfortably, but suddenly she starts to go faster, so I keep up, then she goes a bit faster, and despite my heart rate trebling, I keep up.

But then she goes even faster, and I try, but do not succeed in keeping up with this mad woman rower.

So I make believe I've finished my bit, go into the changing rooms...and sit on the bench for 10 minutes while I regain my life.

Imagine my surprise the next day when I saw the same woman pictured in the Evening News. She'd just finished third in the world indoor rowing championships.

So do your own excercise...not someone else's.