AFTER reading the Gazette's notice of Ken Harker's death, many friends have expressed their surprise and sadness. His career and interests were deeply rooted in the Malvern area and he had a particular devotion for the beauty of the hills and commons and their wildlife which, being a keen photographer, he loved to record.

Ken's varied and colourful career began by serving with distinction in the RAF but I first knew him 35 years ago as a partner in Bellamy & Harker, architects in The Tything, Worcester. He was a true professional, paying great attention to detail, and always obliging and courteous to his clients. The buildings he designed with such care, stand as a testament to all his hard work.

He had many talents but his skills as a water diviner and healer were remarkable. He was too modest to refer to his many successes in treating people with very serious conditions but recognition came when he was elected to the Council of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers to represent this area.

Ken had many friends throughout his time in Worcestershire and was loved by us all.

While we were unable to pay our respects at his private funeral, it was his wish that friends should be invited to support a local cause that was dear to his heart, as a tangible mark of our affection. Donations may be sent to: Vale Wildlife Rescue, Station Road, Beckford, Tewkesbury, GL20 7AN.

Peter Heighway, Great Witley.