THE developers of flats planned for a site off Worcester Road have expressed disappointment at the outcome of a planning appeal.

Ciel Properties of Birmingham were refused planning permission by Malvern Hills District Council for 67 flats on a site between the A449 Worcester Road and the Safeway supermarket car park in November last year.

They appealed against the decision and a four-day hearing took place in Priory Lodge Hall in July.

Last month, planning inspector Robert Sexton dismissed the appeal.

Philip Cox, a director of Ciel Properties, said this week that the company would not be challenging the decision in the High Court.

"We're disappointed as we thought it was a good scheme and put a lot of hard work into it. It's a shame because the scheme had a lot of benefits," he said.

Mr Cox said the development would have provided 27 low-cost units and benefitted the community at large by the construction of a pelican crossing over Worcester Road, upgrading a footpath on the site and a by making a contribution towards a children's play area.

He said Ciel Properties would have to consider the future use of the land in the light of recent events.