EARLY doors at Droitwich Spa's One Stop Shop are set to close due to lack of interest from residents.

A pilot scheme launched in June saw Wychavon District Council's Spa shop opening from 8am on Mondays and Fridays instead of the usual 9am.

This was to help busy residents access council services out-of-hours.

Wychavon's Democratic Services manager Amanda de Warr said: "The pilot scheme was launched as part of our commitment to providing accessible services to our residents.

"But it revealed there isn't the need for an early-hour opening service in Droitwich Spa."

The shop will now return to opening at 9am from Monday to Friday from Monday October 6.

Amanda added: "We welcome comments and views from our customers about our services and how we can improve them.

"All our council shops stock "have your say" forms which can be filled in by residents and we can take their views on board."