IT appears that Prime Minister now backs plan to give the EU army even further power.

This comes after he pledged that he would fight any such proposals that were not subservient to NATO. It is not a case of hyperbole to suggest that this could be used as a means of controlling a future uprising in this country against the EU.

The stealth with which the EU is taking over all aspects of the government of the UK is more than likely, eventually, to lead to civil strife here. Imagine a UK where Westminster has been discarded under direction from Brussels and the only seats of power are the Regions as delineated and controlled by Brussels.

Our counties have gone, our Parliament has gone, our army now answers to Brussels, our currency has gone.

Does this remind you of recent history? Well, it should. Because that is precisely what happened in the Soviet Bloc. Remember the struggles within Poland, Hungary and countless other "regions" as they fought against Russia for independence?

Do you remember how the Russian tanks and army were brought in to put the "uprising" down? And don't, please, make the mistake of thinking it won't happen here.

The British are a proud nation and once they get wind that their economy has been subsumed into the EU and become that of a third rate banana republic the British uprising will be bound to follow.

I would seriously suggest that Mr Blair should be immediately placed under arrest and charged with treason against the Crown.

He is, without doubt, acting illegally. The independence of this country is not his, or any other politicians, to give away.


Severn Stoke,
