MORE past pupils of a two long-lost Worcester schools have been in touch since my recent Memory Lane feature on the childhood recollections of an "exile" of the Faithful City.

Mrs Anne Crowe, now living in Salisbury, Wiltshire, wrote to me nostalgically of her days at the Holy Trinity Infants' School which was in Cromwell Street.

Unfortunately, it closed in 1937, as did the Holy Trinity Girls' School to which she was about to go next. This was at Sansome Place, in buildings now occupied by the Heenan & Froude Social Club.

I must apologise for my error in the previous article. I gave these two school locations the wrong way around.

Mrs Crowe (maiden name, Anne Hathaway) said one of her enduring memories was of taking part in a concert to mark the 1937 closure of the Holy Trinity schools. She wore a white crinoline and black patent dancing pumps to perform in a minuet.

Mrs Crowe wrote that she would dearly like to see newspaper reports of that concert and of the closure of the Holy Trinity infants and girl's schools.

And within a couple of days of the article appearing, Mrs Eileen Fowler of Canada Way, Worcester was in touch to say she possessed a cutting of the lengthy Worcester News & Times report of the closure of Holy Trinity Girls' School in July 1937. I have forwarded a copy to Mrs Crowe.

Mrs Fowler (maiden name, Eileen Smith) is now 82 and attended the Holy Trinity Girls' School at Sansome Place in the late 1920s and early 1930s.

"It was a lovely little school, the teachers were so good, and I can remember crying when I had to leave at the compulsory age of 14."

Among her proud possessions is a dictionary she was awarded at the school in 1927 as the prize for "General Proficiency." She was just nine.

She also has several "Certificates of Merit" awarded by the fabrics and garment firm, Horrocks. She explains that as part of their school work, she and other pupils at Holy Trinity Girls' School did a lot of needlework and embroidery for Horrocks.

"We undertook neat embroidery around such items as pillow cases and nightdresses."

Mrs Fowler worked for Berrow's Newspapers for several years, both at Trinity Street and Hylton Road. She was on the switchboard for a time and later worked in the library and also as a copy-taker.

Another reader, Mrs Joan Lampitt (maiden name, Griffiths) of Comer Gardens, Worcester, has also been in contact to point out that she and Anne Hathaway (Mrs Crowe) attended Holy Trinity Infants School together. Both their families were living at the time in Lowesmoor.

"I too danced to the music of Boccherini's Minuet in that final concert. Incidentally, our crinolines were made of white crepe paper!

"The two classrooms of the infants school had real open fires, well guarded, of course - it was lovely. On May Day we always danced round a tall wooden Maypole which was put up in the playground. We would weave different patterns with the attached braids. Happy days!

"I also clearly remember the school caretaker, Mrs Brown ("Auntie Min") who lived in a little old house in the school playground."

Mrs Lampitt says she was married at the former Holy Trinity Church at Shrub Hill, in 1952, and her two sons were christened there.

I've had a call too from 80 years-old Mrs Joyce Morris of St John's, Worcester. She was a pupil of Holy Trinity Girls' School from the age of eight to 14 and remembers it had four classrooms and a cloakroom. She confirms there wasn't a Holy Trinity Boys' School.

Eighty-eight years-old Mrs Hilda Bishop (maiden name Tompkins) of Lower Chestnut Street, Worcester, wrote to say she went to Holy Trinity Girls' School from 1920 to 1926. She vividly remembers the headmistress Miss Heath and teachers Miss Hedge, Miss Gladys Shepherd, Miss Waring and Mrs Sharman.

"I was brought up in the Arboretum, one of seven children. My brothers went to St Martin's Boys' School and we three girls attended Holy Trinity Girls' School."

I had a letter too from Mrs Cynthia Jones (maiden name, Algie) of Kingsbury Road, Worcester, who was a pupil at Holy Trinity School at the time it closed down.

She still possesses a souvenir given to pupils at the time - a printed verse with the date 29-7-1937.

Finally, Bridie Price of Borrowdale Drive, Worcester has me a letter to be passed to Mrs Crowe. "My family and hers were neighbours many years ago, and it was wonderful to read about her life."