JOHN Brain was delighted to see his Worcester side reclaim top spot in National One with a 10-try mauling of Moseley.

Worcester's director of rugby enjoyed a wonderful weekend, hearing about Rotherham's defeat at Exeter, taking in England's taming of Scotland and rounding it off with a win of his own.

"It's been a very positive weekend for Worcester," he said. "Everyone was given a boost by Rotherham's result and I think we've done well at Moseley. What is clear now is that we have control over our own destiny again. We are not looking for favours anymore. It's absolutely, 100 per cent in our own hands.

"If we win every game that we've got left then we will go up. That's great and if the game on April 12 with Rotherham needed any more spice then it's got it now. That will virtually be the decider."

Brain hardly needed to be reminded of the last time Worcester played on a Sunday, as the Warriors came away with what seemed a costly defeat at Orrell. However, much has happened since that freezing day in Lancashire and yesterday's win under glorious sunshine could not have provided more a of contrast in surroundings and emotions for the coach.

"That was a sad reverse on that bitterly cold afternoon," he added. "We were desperately disappointed to lose but we at least came away with a point. Rotherham have followed us to Exeter and lost. They have to come to Sixways just like we had to go to Rotherham and they also have to travel to Orrell.

"We've come away from those three fixtures with five points. Rotherham have to better that. That will be a test for them and we know that if we can get our performances right, we will win our final games and be in the Premiership next season."

The former Gloucester coach was satisfied with the performance at Bournbrook but felt referee Wayne Barnes hindered them somewhat with another less-than-inspiring display.

"Moseley went on the pitch to do one thing -- get a bonus point with four tries," said Brain. "When that happens, sides play very freely and it was a good defensive test for us.

"We got on the wrong side of the referee which at times cancelled out the fact that we had an extra man. We had a problem with the referee again today. Some of the decisions were very strange and for us to give away so many penalties is extremely unusual."

"The performance was satisfactory but the weekend in general has been much more than that!"