JOHN Brain has hailed David Officer as an 'outstanding signing for Worcester Rugby Club'.

The Sixways director of rugby has been delighted with the centre's work ethic as he battled back from a serious ankle injury and believes he is getting back to his best with Rotherham approaching.

It has been a difficult season for Brain with centres dropping like flies at various points of the season. Ben Hinshelwood, Gary Trueman, James Ogilvie-Bull and Officer have all struggled with injuries in this campaign but, after three months on the sidelines, the former Scotland A star is starting to hit form again.

His hat-trick of tries at Bournbrook on Sunday was a clear indication that Officer's fitness is getting back to its best and, despite only making 11 starts this season, he is now on 14 touchdowns for the campaign.

"We really missed David Officer when he was injured," said Brain. "For me, he is a no-frills player. He does everything well, works hard for the team and he's a very good professional.

"David has been an outstanding signing for us and I just hope he stays fit for the remainder of the season. We've had no luck with injuries this year so it would be nice if he stayed fit for the duration.

"It would be great for him to play against Rotherham because he missed out on that one in November after getting injured a week before the game. I think we'd all like to see him on the pitch on April 12 playing outstandingly well against Rotherham."

"He was the pick of the backs against Moseley without a shadow of a doubt," added Brain.