Old Moore's Horoscope Daily Astral Diary 2004 - Scorpio (Foulsham, £3. 50)

EMOTIONAL, reserved, compassionate and caring Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) here's next year all mapped out for you.

Monday, January 19: You may have an unsuspected admirer.

Thursday, September 23: Psychic influences may come into play.

Thursday, November 11: A little romance may be in the offing.

This is just one of a series published to help people understand why they are different from all others who share their sign of the Zodiac.

There are high and low diagrams for each month, information, advice, gentle persuasion and an in-depth appraisal of the all-important rising sign at the time of a person's birth.

Place them all together and Old Moore may be able to put you in better control of your life.

David Chapman