I WAS somewhat concerned at the prominence you gave to the problem at Malvern Link C E School.

I am concerned that uninformed readers may gather the impression that the school is run by the British National Party when nothing could be further from the truth. The school has made an unintentional mistake and the punishment simply does not fit the crime.

Heads, teachers and governors walk a tightrope trying to balance political and social agendas, which are very worthy but sometimes open to manipulation and exaggeration.

What has happened at this school could happen at any school, there will have been no intent but there will be a great deal of distress for all those involved.

I know Jenny Potts to be a competent, dedicated and caring Head and I am absolutely sure she and her staff will be devastated to have been so harshly judged.

I am certain that all schools do their very best to eradicate any racist views and to adopt positive discrimination in order to counter the overt racism sadly still to be found in our communities.

As a one-time member of the St Mathias community, I know that even in the 1950's the parish was anxious to welcome all sections of the community into its fold and I am certain that this will not have changed.

It seems to me that those who aggressively seek their rights under legislation sometimes create a counter productive view.

I was also concerned to note the lacklustre support offered to the school by Mr Kramer the director of education. No one is trying to hide from the mistakes made but I would venture to suggest similar mistakes could inadvertently occur in many other schools. It would, in my opinion, be far better to inform other schools of the experiences at Malvern Link, rather than swamp the school with advisors at a time when morale will be very low.

Stand up Jenny Potts and be proud of all you have done, to err is human, and all other teachers and Heads will have great sympathy and want to learn from your mistake. Your school does not need to be brought up to the standards of all other Worcestershire schools; it already exceeds many of them.

CLIVE CAM, Lower Howsell Road, Malvern Link.