RESIDENTS in Furlongs Road, Upton are complaining about car parking and speeding around the junction with Rectory Road.

They say that cars park too close to the junction, restricting visibility, and that Rectory Road traffic travels too fast which makes getting out of Furlongs Road a dangerous challenge.

At a meeting of Upton Town Council on Tuesday, resident Adrienne Ivey said: "The residents have found it virtually impossible to come out of the road. There's cars parked all along, coaches, buses and you have to come right out into the road to turn right, on the wrong side of the road."

Mrs Ivey claimed that workers from Door Panels Plc, on Rectory Road, were partly to blame. She and other

residents met three weeks ago with the firm's bosses to try and rectify the problem with limited success.

"They are still putting their cars there and it's very difficult," she said.

After the council meeting, Door Panels logistics manager Martin Moss confirmed a meeting with residents had taken place and said another would take place within the coming weeks to review the situation.

"We try and co-operate with the residents so that we are all happy," said Mr Moss.

Upton mayor Eric White revealed Door Panels had had an extension to their car park some time ago and agreed that they would not park on the road.

Mrs Ivey also expressed concern about the speed of some traffic that uses Furlongs Road, which is a cul-de-sac, to turn in. She asked county council representative Bob Bullock if a cul-de-sac sign could be put up at the end of the road, and also wondered if the police could implement some form of speed restrictions.

Coun Bullock said he would take the matter up with the Malvern Hills Highways Partnership.