A CONGREGATION of 65 enjoyed the service at Christ Church last Sunday which was sub-titled Get Me out of Here, I'm an Amphibian, and based on scenes from The Wind in the Willows.

There were memorable contributions from Richard Allsopp (who wrote the sketches) as Toad and Pippa Henry as the Chief Weasel - supported by a throng of children as the wicked weasels who were driven from Toad Hall by Mole, Ratty and Badger, and chased around the churchyard. It was great fun, and contained a meaningful message and was enjoyed by everyone.

The next Parish Council meeting is being brought forward from July 29 to Tuesday, July 22 when they will consider planning applications at Rosemoor, Pegs Farm and Victoria Row.

The garden club's visit to the Botanical Garden of Wales, near Carmarthen, was most successful despite the long coach journey. Having been established for some years now most areas are reaching maturity, though there are still many on-going projects like the double-walled garden restoration. The hard landscaping features such as paving, cobbles, rills, fountains and sculptural features were most impressive and the day was completed by the evocative singing of a local male voice choir in the Millennium Square.

On Wednesday evening, the club went to Mathon to a wholesale nursery to see how propagation and preparation is done on a large scale. John Richards runs an immaculate organisation and speaks well about his work and beliefs and it all made for a fascinating evening.

The introductory U3A meeting last week was very successful with over 60 people attending and a further 30 telephoning their interest in setting up a Ledbury and District branch. Those attending expressed unanimous agreement that a U3A should be set up and a steering committee was appointed to get things underway. The next meeting to establish the branch officially will be held in the hall on September 11 at 10.30am.

For those who missed the two open gardens in June, there is another chance to see The View and Dogberry on Sunday, July 27 from 2-6pm. There will be plants for sale at both gardens and the proceeds of the refreshments will go towards Memorial Hall funds.