FRAN'S WAR was something of a departure for Break-a-Leg Theatre Group and a world premier too.

Beginning with the opportune moment when theatre group leaders Barnaby and Jo picked up Sally Trench's book at the airport, the story was turned into a stage play by Andy Higgit, with kind permission from the author, especially for Break-a-Leg.

The play, based around the Bosnian conflict, told of the shift in lifestyle experienced by youngsters, who at the age of 14 found themselves losing their homes and families, running for their lives, defending themselves and a group of children they find hiding in the hills.

Running parallel to this could be seen the weakness and inability of world leaders to shake off their own security and stand up for and defend the innocent people caught up in the conflict.

Multi media images projected onto the walls added a further dimension to the play, depicting graphically the outcome of conflicts between religions and the horrors and destruction that war brings to people's lives, both physically and emotionally.

Author Sally Trench, sitting in the audience, whose real-life experiences are told in the story, must have been moved by the performance.

It was absorbing and thought-provoking. As my 13-year-old son said, it gave us a real insight into war - these were real people and real lives torn apart.

Yet out of their desperate situation came the belief that they should and could try to make a difference and help each other.

Jane Maries