Our president welcomed two visitors to our June meeting. The flowers in the village hall had been arranged by Margaret Neale and Christine Hawker. Diane Bidwell was thanked for organising the luncheon at Droitwich Golf Club.

June Nicolson reported on the 'Food, Flower and Craft' day at Bewdley. Mary Gray congratulated all who had taken part, we received highly commended for our group project, preserves, greeting cards and unframed embroidery. Pat Keene and Jennifer Carter did our main flower arrangement with a small wheelbarrow full of flowers and a trellis behind. Jenny Marsh represented us on the Hadzor & Oddingley Village Hall Committee and gave her report. Our speaker was Derek Harrington on 'London is stranger than fiction'. He showed us numerous slides of interesting churches, inns, statues, wall plaques and passage ways and told us amusing stories and gruesome, gory tales. A vote of thanks was given by Phyll Healey. The competition for a limerick was won by Helen Peberdy and the raffle by June Nicolson.