Lickey WI celebrated its 39th birthday at the parish hall on Tuesday, July 1. Catherine Parker was thanked for organising the outing to Tetbury and Berkeley Castle in June and an outing to Bath in November was announced. Final arrangements were made for a theatre visit to see Miss Saigon later in July.

Everyone brought a donation for the American supper and a splendid feast was laid out in the centre of the hall. After members had enjoyed the food and a chance to socialise, Janet Coe organised a short competition where teams had to think of song titles which included specified colours. Points were awarded according to whether more than one team named the same title, and extra points were awarded for singing the song.

This led to members making varying valiant efforts to perform their chosen solutions. The winning team, led by Sheila Grypton, gave an unbeatable rendition of She Wears Red Feathers and a Huli-Huli Skirt, which caused much hilarity.

All members supported the competition for A Buttonhole and Ingrid Greening was judged as the worthy winner.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 5, when Terry Church will speak about village memories and growing up on the edge of the Black Country. The competition for August will be a local photograph.