Dear Editor - Congratulations to Gordon Hughes and his intrepid hard-working group of helpers, a big pat on the back is well deserved to the dedicated assistance of Gordon's gang.

He pleaded, pressured, promised, pushed, cajoled, coaxed, commandeered, begged and borrowed. I think the whole of Droitwich Spa should be proud that the carnival has returned after such a long time.

Perhaps next year more companies will take part in the carnival floats, the people who assemble such things know what fun and hard work it is, and whoever won the first prize in the float competition has thrown down the gauntlet to next year's entrants. The Cubs led the procession, which is always a good thing, because they know where they are going! Well done! The carnival queen and her princesses looked lovely on the float, specially designed and assembled by the Norbury Theatre. Now that the residents of Droitwich have had a great weekend's fun, entertainment should be more accessible to us. Why not give this growing population a theatre and cinema combined by developing the Court House with the Norbury Theatre at the helm?

T Edwards, Arkle Close, Droitwich Spa.