Dear Editor - The weather for this year's street market and carnival could not have been better, as the summer's warmth brought out the people of Bromsgrove in their hordes.

Here's just a few words of thanks to all those who have given so much time and effort to this year's carnival.

The market master, Chris Firminger, who once again did a wonderful job in organising the Elizabethan street market on behalf of the Court Leet. The High Street was fuller than ever and the costumes really made it special. Nice one Chris.

The procession, and there are many people to thank here: Firstly to Mark Graham for once again making it happen and go without a hitch. Finishing on a high with a record £2,300. Thank you Mark for the last seven years.

To Weavers Plc for supplying the barriers and signs, and Bob Crump for his tireless efforts and help on the day and to all the marshals whose help was invaluable and not forgetting traffic warden Roy Gibson.

The procession was a real credit to all those involved.

Also, a very big THANK YOU to all the firms who donated their lorries and to all the drivers who gave up their time to manoeuvre the floats so safely through the town. Once again the judges had a difficult task in picking the winners of the various categories.

Town crier Kevin Ward, once again in fine voice, The Rubery Youth Marching Band and The Silver Shadows Majorettes did a superb job at the head of the procession, followed by the Reverend Nigel Marns, celebrating his 40th birthday, ably assisted by Rosie and Robert.

The gala in Sanders Park ran as smoothly as ever under the watchful eye of Shaun Moule, on behalf of the League of Friends. Shaun assisted by her son Christian, whose help was invaluable, once again filled Sanders Park and with the added sponsorship from Cadburys for the craft fair marquee and CDS remote control models, there was something for everyone

Jules Evans, who organised the entertainments, made sure that music rang out all day and that the arena events were as varied as they were entertaining.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following people, in no particular order: All the High Street traders who put up with us so well, Clark's Motors for the judges vehicles, Regal Garage for their sponsorship of the Crimestoppers music stage, St John Ambulance for their help and of course all the members of the council and the workers on the day whose efforts could not go without a mention.

On Sunday, we had the inaugural Timberhonger 10km road race, which proved a huge success. Well done to all those involved. And The St Johns church choir and Stourport Brass Band filled the park with wonderful music.

A very BIG thank you must go to the Advertiser/Messenger for its coverage leading up to the street market and carnival and in helping to publicise all the events.

Finally, to you, the people of Bromsgrove who turned out, whether you threw a penny or a pound, for supporting so generously. THANK YOU.

Once again I have been amazed by the efforts of all those who have given their time to make this year's carnival a huge success. In fact it has been the most successful carnival to date as we are able to hand over a cheque for a massive £9,000 to the Princess of Wales community Hospital.

Thank you EVERYONE once again. See you on June 19 and 20 next year.

Jeff Evans, chairman

Bromsgrove Hospital

Carnival Committee.