Your letters page rarely passes without a contribution from a correspondent determined, in one way or another, to warn us against the creeping "Europeanisation" of every aspect of our lives (and often lump in an anti-Blair message for good measure).

Your Letters, May 30, took the biscuit, however, with four missives - Jeanette Sheen, Richard Spencer, Dennis Nightingale-Smith and Philip Preece - guaranteed to make those unconvinced/uncommitted, as myself, flee to the "pro" European camp.

Each letter, culminating with the imperialist rant from Philip Preece, harks back to a sepia-tinged past that, if it ever existed, was buried prior to the upheavals of 1914-1918.

Please wake up to the fact we have moved on, thank goodness, to a multicultural, pluralist society that young people, our future, are ready to embrace.

They do not recognise the Union flag draped bunkers from which your correspondents have crawled but seek facts that fit their multinational experiences of this century not the 19th or 20th.

Eddie Clark, Bridge Court, Leominster.