AFTER reading the letter from Coun Adrian Gregson (You Say, May 19), regarding the Independent members of Worcester City Council, I was confused, as I thought perhaps I had all these years misunderstood the definition of the word independent.

So, as advised by Coun Gregson, I reached for the dictionary.

What I discovered may be to Councillor Gregson's surprise. The definition states "not depending on another person for one's opinion."

Well, is that not what happened at the council meeting? The Independent councillors made a valued and independent decision and voted for who they thought was best suited to the job. The Conservatives.

If these members vote with the Labour group at some future stage, will Councillor Gregson write to the Press complaining that they are now Labour? I think not.

Next time you put pen to paper councillor, can I make a suggestion? Look in the dictionary.


Wyre Forest District Council.