REGULARS from an under-threat Bewdley pub gave a round of applause to town councillors after they unanimously turned down an application to demolish their historic watering hole.

About 30 drinkers from the Waggon and Horses in Wribbenhall gave the salute to members of Bewdley Town Council when they resoundingly slammed plans to tear down the Kidderminster Road pub.

Councillor Tony Williams said the application by Hyperion Homes to build 13 apartments and nine town houses on the site would "rip the heart out of Wribbenhall".

He said: "It would be completely out of context and would serve as a catalyst for other development in the area."

Fellow Councillor Frank Baillie said the bid was "obscene," adding the council would need to fight the plans "tooth and nail".

Presenting a petition bearing 90 signatures of opposition, Councillor Nigel Knowles said the application was "greedy" and must be thrown out.

The town council decision does not mean the bid has bitten the dust - only planning bosses at Wyre Forest District Council have authority to reject the application.

But it will not be considered by district planners at this month's meeting as officers are in "negotiations" with the firm.

Planning officer Julia Summerfield said: "If we are not happy with an application then we will seek further negotiation."

Campaigner Brian Denton said Monday night's show of strength by the town council was a "step in the right direction".

Mr Denton, a member of the Save the Waggon Action Group (SWAG) which was formed last month when the news was announced, said: "We are pleased but we have won the battle and not the war. There is still a long way to go.

"We do not want to lose the pub especially when the development would bring even more cars into Wribbenhall.

"We have had more than 500 signatures for our own petition against knocking down the pub."