MORE than 100 people from different countries and faiths made Worcester's first interfaith meeting a big success.

Organiser Jean Kennedy said the Let's Get Together meeting went "extremely well" and was hopeful of setting up two informal groups, the One World Social Group and an Interfaith Group, which would meet on a regular basis.

"I think there were probably around 100 adults and children representing around nine different countries.

"That is very good for Worcester, because ethnic minorities make up around 2.5per cent of the population."

She added everyone at the meeting bought with them food typical of their particular culture and they all ended up having a banquet.

"We were also introduced to the art of Indian stick-dancing," she said.

It was this type of response at the meeting, at St Barnabas Church Hall, that Mrs Kennedy believes will lead to the forming of the two groups.

She now hopes to hold meetings in the new purpose-built community centre attached to Elbury Mount Primary School, on Fairfield Close.

If you want to get involved, or simply want more information, contact Mrs Kennedy on 01905 22 415.