DEAR EDITOR - I am writing in response to Mr P Roberts' letter "That great disappearing act!" earlier this month.

Teenagers who hang around in the shopping precinct are not "idiots"; they just have nowhere else to go.

The population of Droitwich Spa is consisting increasing due to the never-ending succession of housing developments, but local amenities are not keeping up with demand. As more families move into the town, the situation will only get worse.

The site of the former Worcestershire Brine Baths Hotel has great potential for some leisure and recreation facilities. An adventure playground has just closed and skate ramps were removed from the Lido Park. The Lido pool is still closed, another place full of potential, if only someone would do something about it.

I do not imagine teenagers enjoy spending their free time in the precinct, but there is nowhere else they can go. And as for prosecuting them for doing so, what a ridiculous idea. Police should be out fighting crime - not skaters.

I am 14 and it is not acceptable for me to prejudge others and call them idiots, so nor should others.

T Mandall

Oakland Avenue

Droitwich Spa