IT was chalk and cheese, the Planning Committee Meeting on May 20 compared to that on April 15.

I wrote last month about the disgraceful behaviour of councillors dealing with the campaign against a housing plan totally unsuitable for the Grangers Lane open amenity land.

The first application heard this month was fully debated. Many details, presented by four public speakers, were examined, to the point that councillors voted against the recommendation to approve.

There was no prevarication like that of the April 15 meeting.

A planning policy about children's play space, referred to by one of the objectors, was a missing item of the proposed plan for the Grangers Lane family homes. One councillor stated it had been superseded.

This same policy is listed in a planning application dealt with at the recent May meeting.

Can anyone tell me why children of social housing are treated like second class citizens?

All children are entitled to the best possible facilities but with this plan, they would have to do without.

The reduction of the planning committee members in the interest of efficiency may be a good move, only time will tell.

One thing I do know is that the treatment of the Grangers Lane Action Group on April 15 will not be forgotten.



Council for the Protection of Rural England

Redditch Group

Enfield Road

Hunt End