IN her report to the annual parish meeting, Bromsberrow footpaths councillor Mrs Judy Ewing reported that over the last year the countryside was getting back to normal after the foot and mouth crisis.

However, during that period the footpaths had suffered from lack of use and some had become overgrown, stiles and way marks had deteriorated. Some of the stiles needed urgent work done and others have lost their way marks.

There were one or two cases where farmers had ploughed the footpath, not only making it difficult but also positively dangerous to walk along them, she said it was a shame that those who knew better deliberately flout the legislation perhaps in the hope no one would notice.

Following a request, a new public footpath has been opened and GBR 16 has been diverted, the diversion takes the path from Albright Lane outside the Post Office up towards The Elms instead of the original path up the drive towards Bromsberrow Place as far as The Elms. A finger post indicates a new route. A new route has been created to allow access to the original GBR 16 behind The Elms.

Helen Watkins, footpath warden, was thanked for maintaining the footpath network and Tony Edwards for the footpath clearance work, which he does on behalf of the parish council and also those who highlighted difficulties they encounter when walking.

Mrs Ewing said the information parishioners passed on was really helpful in keeping the paths clear and safe.