amateur dramatics group St John's Players are performing an Acykbourn classic at the Swan Theatre, Worcester.

The comedy Table Manners runs from Tuesday, May 6 to Saturday, May 10. The group will be the second to use the theatre after its reopening under Huntingdon Hall management.

Member Ray Archer remembers when they helped fundraise for the Swan during its launch in the 60's.

He said: "We're glad to see it reopening. It's great. We started this play before they announced closing and we've carried on rehearsing through all the arguments."

Table Manners was originally written as part of a trilogy of full-length plays, the Norman Conquests, all featuring the same six friends and family members during one weekend.

Mr Archer said: "We're just doing Table Manners because we liked it better."

The group plan to return to Bromyard's Conquest Theatre with their next show in September.

Tickets for Table Manners, are between £6 and £8 from 01905 611427.