HOW can these parents (Evening News, Tuesday, April 22) blame Social Services for the way these children have turned out?

They said that the children were doing well until they reached teenage years. This couple have taken no responsibility for the behaviour of these young people.

They have looked after these children since they were very young and their own values and culture have been instilled in them from an early age.

I am not without sympathy for Mr and Mrs Hales, but how they can lay all the blame on Social Services is beyond me.

Many young people, some adopted and most not, have fallen into bad ways along their teenage years.

I feel that the Hales are experiencing problems with their sons and are desperately looking for someone to blame.

Social Services have a hard enough job to do without having to be able to see 15 years into the future. I hope that you will be printing some of the adoption success stories, too.

