MORE than 50 concerned residents grilled South Worcestershire health chiefs over proposed changes to community health services in the Malvern Hills district.

The heads of the South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Worcester and District Community Health Council (CHC) attended a public meeting at Upton Memorial Hall to discuss planned changes designed to recoup some of the £5.7 million deficit in the PCT's funds.

PCT chief executive Mike Ridley outlined the moves, which include reductions in community occupational therapy services, practice-attached social workers, an end to GP practice-based counselling services and the closure of Malvern's sexual health clinic.

The meeting was the latest in a series held around South Worcestershire to canvas public opinion on the proposals. Among the many questions raised was concern over staff reductions.

Mr Ridley said that reductions would be only a minor part of cost cutting.

Upton mayor Eric White accused the PCT of putting services into "little boxes" and segmenting them, when there should be an holistic approach.

Mr Ridley replied: "We are actively achieving greater working between primary care, secondary care and community care."

One member of the public was concerned about the reduction of pulmonary rehabilitation services, which helped her recover from serious illness.

Director of public health Dr Tim Davies said he promised to take all views on board before a decision on savings is made by the PCT board later this year.