A MALVERN woman is hoping she has still got a head for heights as she prepares for a charity abseil.

Rachel Knapper plans to slide down a rope from the top of a tower at Eastnor Castle.

"About three years ago I abseiled down the Giffard Hotel in Worcester," she said. "It was scary but enjoyable at the same time. I was glad to get to the bottom, let's put it that way."

Now Miss Knapper must face a 130ft sheer drop as she aims to raise £100 for the Royal National Institute of the Blind.

"Everything's all right at the moment but I'll probably get nightmares the day before," she said.

Miss Knapper is among 210 taking part in the attempt to raise £20,000 for the RNIB on Sunday, May 18.

Anyone wanting to sponsor her can do so at Keys of Malvern, letting agents in Church Walk.

There are still some places available for anyone interested in taking part in the fundraiser. Ring 07751 501679 for more details.