IT appears Mr Connally, director of Rural Homes, has missed the point (Ledbury Reporter, April 18).

His company has applied for planning permission to demolish two bungalows in Albert Road, Ledbury, and build 12 houses in their place.

He rightly points out that parking will be provided (29 spaces in all). However, the concern of many existing residents in Albert Road, and Victoria Road that adjoins it, is the extra traffic that would be generated on these roads, both of which are very narrow and have no pavement. I am certain few of those future residents would consider walking or cycling to the town centre.

Mr Connally might have seen fewer cars parked on Albert Road the day after the site meeting - this is probably because a sufficient number of people felt strongly enough about the issue to take time off work to protest. Had he made his second visit at any weekend, he would have seen more parked cars than he did last Wednesday.

Then there is the wider issue of infrastructure. Ledbury has exploded over the last 10 years but there has been no increase in capacity of schools, sewage works or the fire service, to name but a few.

Even health care has not increased - the new hospital only has one more NHS bed than the old cottage hospital.

Steve Glennie-Smith, Victoria Road, Ledbury.