ON Tuesday, May 24, from 10.30am to noon Dee Humphries is having her spring coffee morning. The venue will be the lovely surroundings of Hanover House in Redmarley. The funds raised will be for the Richard Gordon Scholarship Fund to help educate orphans in Bangalore, India.

The aim of the trust fund is to take children off the streets and give them decent toilets, showers and sports facilities as well as an education. In his youth Richard Gordon was for a time an orphan on the streets of Bangalore. After he tragically died his widow set up the fund in his name. Currently there are plans to build a kitchen so these orphans can have meals. There is much to be done and Dee will welcome any help or donations for her coffee morning. Donations of pens, pencils, pads or paper for the orphans will also be much appreciated. This is a very worthwhile cause and you are sure of a warm welcome from Dee and her family. There will be a bring and buy stall as well as an interesting raffle. A wide range of recycled cards will also be sold for the Richard Gordon Trust.