HISTORY-hungry children flocked to Worcester's Commandery to hear all about the Black Death and other terrible times.

Horrible History author Terry Deary (seen right) entertained more than 150 youngsters with his songs and poems, written to enthuse them about the topic.

Children participated in a song which told of the Black Death and heard a Ludlow ghost story from the popular entertainer.

"The Great Hall was packed for his talk," said Commandery manager Amanda Lunt.

"The kids are really interested in history. They were turning up with 10 to 15 books of his to be signed.

"The way he writes is great because it brings history to life and creates real interest in the subject. He told the children how he knows of university students reading history because of the interest sparked after reading his books. It's not all about dates and figures, he makes them gruesome. This is what kids like!"

As well as Mr Deary's visit,

which was sponsored by Hammicks bookshop, children joined in various workshops during the day.