IN his recent letter (You Say, Wednesday, April 16) N Taylor has many of his facts wrong. It's only right that I correct them for the benefit of your readers.

He refers to the Worcestershire Racial Equality Council as meddling in the affairs of democratic politics in the May 1 local elections.

As a public body concerned with community safety of all Worcestershire citizens, we have a responsibility to monitor the activities of any organisation or political body that stands for promoting community disharmony in the county.

To this end, we were asked by the Evening News for our views on the BNP and we stated "we urge people to vote for decency and humanity".

If Mr Taylor considers his party to be indecent or inhumane, then I'd ask him to choose his own interpretation of our view.

Furthermore, at the very least, he should ensure his facts regarding our funding is correct.

We have received £389,850 from the Community Fund over three years to undertake community development work within Worcestershire.

The project has also created - and influenced the creation of - a significant number of jobs for local people.

The Racial Equality Council was the sponsoring agency for this application. The county council has not allocated this sum at any time for the purposes of the work of the community development project. Therefore, taxpayers' money has not been used in this context for our work.

It's regretful that Mr Taylor feels such anger and frustration towards our views. Our views reflected our concerns based upon community safety issues and not on the creed, content or colour of political parties.

I'd invite him - or, indeed, any member of the public - to spend some time with our organisation to see the valuable work we undertake on behalf of the people of Worcestershire.

Many of them heavily depend on our services to support them against racist violence and social discrimination, irrespective of race, sex, colour or creed.

We're strongly committed to our slogan "unity in diversity" as the way forward for Worcestershire.


Chief Executive,

Worcestershire Racial Equality Council.