VILLAGERS at Beckford have threatened to re-think staging a protest drive-slow as a result of the Highways Agency decision to retain controversial bollards in the centre of the A46 through the village.

The villagers called for removal of the bollards after two lorries crashed into roadside homes, and their calls were backed by Worcestershire Coroner Victor Round when he conducted an inquest into the death of one of the drivers.

Pat Tovey, of Beckford, who has been one of the leaders of the bollards must go campaign, said: "I am very disappointed at the decision by the Highways Agency, especially after the letter from the coroner and the backing of our campaign and petition by Sir Michael Spicer, MP for West Worcestershire, and County Councillor Adrian Hardman."

She added: "We really wanted them removed.

"The only thing I can suggest now is that we start rethinking a drive slow along that stretch of road."

Sir Michael said he hoped the work planned by the Highways Agency to take the kink out of the road would prove effective.

"I have expressed my own view that they should have followed what seems to have been the implication of the coroner's report more closely. With the refuge still in place, there will still be an obstacle there, and I have expressed my strong concern about that."

He stressed: "What we want is traffic calming measures along the A46 through the village, but they need to be done safely and we feel that is not the case with the bollards in place."

In his letter to the coroner, David Cropper, agency area manager, says: "To remove the refuge would detract from the effectiveness of the calming scheme and remove protection to pedestrians crossing at this location."

He says new works proposed includes widening the road past the refuge, a footpath removed to allow some readjustment of the kerb, and the southbound approach resurfaced with the aim of levelling out any localised crest and dip.