WORCESTERSHIRE County Council's Trading Standards Service is joining a national campaign to draw attention to unscrupulous holiday clubs that deliberately deceive consumers and pressurise them into membership.

The campaign by the Office of Fair Trading to warn consumers about the holiday clubs marketed as a flexible alternative to timeshares, promising a lifetime of discounted luxury holidays anywhere in the World.

Holiday clubs are not covered by timeshare law, so there are no automatic cancellation rights for those who change their minds. This is exploited with consumers in some instances being put through a six-hour presentation before the hard sell to get them to sign a binding contract.

Ali Cornelius, senior consumer advice officer, said: "As with most scams, some of the firms involved are highly reputable and trade in good faith and we have no problems with their affairs. But there are some companies which are not and this can often end up costing the consumer, who gets low quality accommodation, limited availability and more expensive holidays than if they'd gone through the normal route.

"We have joined this campaign to ensure that local people have access to the information they need. These schemes play on peoples' aspirations but don't deliver what they promise."

For more information on your rights or an information leaflet call Worcestershire Trading Standards Advice team on 01905 765373.