Graham Ballinger, Liberal candidate for Greenhill, says: "Dr Richard Taylor is an excellent MP, but the Health Concern 'hangers-on' at the council are letting him down.

"We oppose their plan for a massive post-election pay rise for councillors. The money should be spent on services.

"They are pouring £430,000 of your money straight down the drain - year in, year out - because they have failed to get the district council onto a single site headquarters. We will sort it.

"We will continue to fight for:

Restoration of hospital services.

Weekly wheelie bin collections.

A solution to traffic, road, transport and litter problems.

More Police back "on the beat", tackling crime and nuisance.

Restored OAP taxi tokens.

Improved play areas."

A past mayor of Kidderminster, Graham has over 15 years' previous experience as a Wyre Forest district councillor.