I AM a citizen of Kidderminster, but not a member of the civic society.

I have followed the "new cinema versus conserved Piano Building" saga with interest.

Now that the initial salvos are behind us it is time to reflect.

The civic society's view as to the value and status of the Piano Building has been endorsed by at least three separate national specialist bodies - English Heritage, the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, and Save Britain's Heritage.

It seems, therefore, that the civic society has done what the council has failed in its duty to do, namely to conserve an important element of Kidderminster's history.

Having proved themselves so poor in judgement of matters historical and environmental, perhaps those councillors who spoke out so vehemently against the listing of the Piano Building should decline from seeking re-election.

Alternatively they could form yet another local issue party, with the obvious slogan "Vote Philistine" and the obvious logo - a bulldozer.