PARISH COUNCIL: The chairman reported that he had again been contacted by a local resident concerning 4 x 4 track activities within the woodland area to the west of Low Road, leaving the Church Lench towards Rous Lench. Discussion took place concerning this and it was agreed that both the Chairman and Vice Chairman would attend a meeting when this issue would be discussed. It was emphasised that this was on a "need to know" basis and the matter would be discussed at the next meeting. It was agreed to include this item on the annual parish meeting agenda scheduled for May 10, 2003.

District councillor Audrey Steele introduced herself as present district councillor for Inkberrow. Following reorganisation of the Church Lench Ward by the Boundary Commission, two district councillors would now serve the area which stretches from Church Lench in the South to Hanbury in the North. She and district councillor Lee said they would work together if they were elected in May. She held a surgery on the first Monday of each month between 6.30pm and 7.30pm in Pepper Street, Inkberrow.

Village Hall Report: Coun Husband reported that it was her intention to resign as parish councillor after 12 years on the council. This was discussed at the last village hall meeting but, as yet, no village hall committee member had volunteered to represent the village hall on the parish council.

With regard to the future of the village hall, a return of 34 per cent had been received from residents of the parish following the questionnaire sent to every household. It would appear that the majority wished for the village hall to continue in its present form but with refurbishment. Following this outcome, an architect had been selected who would prepare suggestions on how best to follow parish wishes and make best use of village hall facilities. These would then be exhibited for public viewing before any action was taken and grant applications made.

May Election: Notices had been put on the parish council notice boards both at Atch Lench and Church Lench. Forms had been distributed to councillors who were prepared to stand for re-election. There were two vacancies through the resignation of coun Judith Husband and Rick Swatkins. The chairman thanked coun Husband for her sterling work over the past 12 years and especially her liaison work with the village hall which had been most useful to the parish council. He also stated his sadness that coun Swatkins had been forced to retire through ill health and the best wishes of the council were expressed.

Footpaths: Permissive path in the Heritage Orchard The chairman confirmed that he had received a letter concerning the agreement of the Heritage Orchard Trustees, which he read out to councillors, to the use of a permissive path alongside the road within the Orchard. The parish council had agreed to undertake the work and coun Davey said he would try to make access as easy as possible and yet be secure.

Finance: It was agreed to support both the Evesham Volunteer Centre and Citizen's Advice Bureau's. Requests for assistance from the Macmillan Nurses and the WRVS were turned down.

Highways: Ab Lench Road: Coun Cleary expressed concern that not all the pot holes which required attention in Ab Lench Road had been 'yellow circled'. County coun Tucker suggested that he contact Chris Hollingshead in Wychavon Highways Dept and arrange for a visit. Coun Cleary undertook to follow this up.

Abandoned vehicle in Heritage Orchard: The abandonment of the burnt-out vehicle in the Heritage Orchard was discussed but the unanimous view was that the parish council could not help with Wychavon District Council's £50 removal fee for fear of setting a precedent for the future. It was felt that this problem could become more prevalent in the future due to more vigorous recycling laws.

Sports Club: Coun Simpson reported that good progress was being made with the pavilion. Volunteer assistance would be used for painting and tiling where possible and this could be included in the local contribution for the Sport England grant. It was hoped to have an opening event at Spring Bank Holiday at the end of May. The Auction of Promises had raised £2,800. He thanked everyone who had supported the event which had greatly helped the LSRC finances. A cheese and wine event would be held on June 14 and the cricket club dinner would take place on May 9 in Rous Lench Village Hall

Wychavon District Council advised that a Village Clean-Up - Bursary Scheme had been instituted for the first 40 parish applications. A sum of £500 would be paid if, after inspection, the clean-up had taken place. The clerk had applied and collected the clean-up packs and would undertake to ask volunteers to clear sections of the following roads. Low Road, Main Street, Atch Lench Road, Evesham Road and Ab Lench Road in Church Lench and Atch Lench Road, Atch Lench.