VILLAGE HALL: The management committee recently held its annual meeting with most members present. There were apologies for absence from the chairman David Clarke-Sykes who was ill. In his absence the meeting was run by secretary John Langley.

He paid great tribute to the booking clerk, Shelia McKenzie, for her considerable help with the accounts over the previous two weeks.

The imminent departure from the village of David and Jo Clarke-Sykes was announced with regret, but the cheering news of the evening was that Mrs Paul Christie of Oak Tree Road had agreed to become the hall's new chairman. She was present with her husband Neil (who recently became a parish councillor) and both were welcomed by all present. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved and, in the absence of a chairman's report, John Langley gave a summary of the year's activities. His statement that it had not been an easy year met with heartfelt agreement, but in paying tribute to the financial help received from the parish council, the generous donations made by various organisations and individual supporters and the money raising efforts made by the hall's management, he was able to report that the immediate crisis had passed. (It became clear later in the meeting, however, that with all that remains to be done to this ageing building, the financial and practical problems facing the new committee are considerable).

Commending John Langley's work as secretary and especially over these past few weeks, the committee members enthusiastically approved his re-appointment in this post. There has been no response to appeals for a treasurer but there was a firm undertaking that a member of the public present that evening will take on the job in the very near future if circumstances permit, so the matter was left in abeyance. Keith Seager asked to be relieved of his position as vice- chairman, though he hopes to continue to serve on the committee. He was thanked for his loyal commitment and long service to the community in this, as in other, areas of village life. The position of vice-chairman remains to be filled.

The next fund-raising event will take place on Saturday, May 10, when Fascinating Rhythm (a group of songsters whom many people will associate with Harvington's own Glenn Webb) will give an evening's entertainment of songs and music from the shows. The ticket price of £6.50 includes refreshments and tickets are now on sale from Liz Nunn or any member of the village hall committee.

PLAYING FIELDS: The Playing Fields Association's annual meeting will be held in the hall on Tuesday, May 6, at 8pm. This is a community resource for all residents so an invitation is given to everyone to be present at the meeting.

ST JAMES' CHURCH: The annual meting was held in the church. In his thanks to everyone who had contributed to an excellent year's work - one which, he said, gives him great hope for the future - the vicar paid particular tribute to the retiring churchwarden, Mervyn Huggins, whose many and varied responsibilities have been carried out with dedication and sensitivity. Bernard Dyson's continuing term as warden was warmly welcomed, he is now joined by Sophie Dodds. Clive Allen will be co-opted in order to continue as treasurer. The compilation and distribution in advance of the meeting of a beautifully presented annual report was warmly commended by the rector who then used it for the conducting of a businesslike meeting in the knowledge that people had already been able to absorb its contents and to study reports from the individual sub-committees as well as a detailed statement of church finances. Outlining his plans for the future, he emphasised the care which is being given to the need, and the desire, to welcome into the church a wider, more inclusive body of village people. He sees the plan to make the rear of the church nave more attractive and accessible for a variety of meetings etc as contributing to this possibility. On a friendly and optimistic note, the meeting ended at 8.40pm.