THE Tree of Light has pulled in a record haul of cash for Kemp Hospice.

More than £4,000 was raised when people paid £5 to place a light in remembrance or celebration of a loved one on the tree, which stood in the Swan Centre in Kidderminster from November to earlier this month.

It was the third year for the Tree of Light project.

Names were recorded on a tag on the tree and messages noted in the Roll of Honour.

The total of £4,257 was almost £1,000 up on last year's haul and fundraising manager Chris Ritchie paid tribute to the "hard work" of Swan Centre staff, adding: "Thank you very much to the Shuttle/Times & News for its publicity."

Miss Ritchie put a light on the tree after losing her mother and said the experience was therapeutic.

"It's rewarding to know that it's helped so many people - it gives them a focus," she said.