TWO men were hit with what is believed to be pellets from air weapons.

Now town police are backing a national firearms amnesty, which runs until Wednesday, April 30.

The first incident occurred last Friday at about 2pm in Library Way in Rubery. A 45-year-old man was walking along the road when he felt something sharp hit his thigh.

It was believed to be an air-gun pellet.

The second incident occurred at about 2.20pm on the same day in New Road, Rednal, when a 56-year-old man and his wife were getting out of their car.

The man was hit by another pellet. Neither he nor the first man were seriously harmed.

Now Bromsgrove police hope the firearms amnesty will help to tackle these kind of incidents.

Townsfolk can surrender any illegally held weapons and ammunition at the front counter of Bromsgrove Police Station, in Ednall Lane, between 9am and 5pm.

Police are also reminding people that the amnesty is an opportunity to surrender lawfully held guns and ammunition, which people no longer wish to own.

The amnesty includes air guns and replica weapons.

West Mercia Police is keen to stress the amnesty does not affect the holders of firearm certificates, unless they have weapons they wish to dispose of.

The police will also accept other weapons such as CS gas or pepper sprays, which are prohibited under the firearm legislation, as well as knives.

Anyone who wishes to hand in a weapon, but who cannot physically get to a police station, should call 08457 444888.