100 years ago - May 3, 1902

JOHN Campkin, a farmhand of Bishampton, was admitted to Pershore Cottage Hospital on Tuesday suffering from injuries caused by the kick of a horse. It appears that he was drilling in a field on the Larches Farm, when the horse became unmanageable and bolted. Campkin was knocked down and sustained a severe compound fracture of the left leg and a bad cut on the arm, besides other minor bruises. He is now making a fair progress towards full recovery.

75 years ago

April 30 1927

THE resignation of police sergeant David William Turley, of the Evesham Division, was accepted at a meeting of the Worcestershire standing joint committee on Saturday and thus closes a very efficient and useful 27 years in the police force. Always a popular and efficient officer of the law, he has during his 27 years service, made many friends in the district and good wishes are extended to him in his retirement.

50 years ago

May 3 1952

WORK to create dams along the River Avon will begin in the next few weeks. The Royal Engineers will erect two steel dams, one on each side of Chadbury lock. They will also carry out the de-watering or pumping dry of the lock basin and the clearance of silt and debris. New gates will be fitted to replace the present ones at Chadbury, which are in danger of giving way.

25 years ago

May 5 1977

PLANS by the Midland Red bus company to axe two bus services because of insufficient demand, have met with strong resistance from Pershore Town Council this week. The services are the 8.20am and the 10.02am, and the council is objecting to the proposals fearing that commuters to Evesham could be stranded in Pershore until early noon.