DARREN Bullock's non-appearance at Halesowen on Tuesday night prompted speculation among supporters about the future of the Common Road skipper, writes Mervyn Collins.

However, manager Phil Mullen said yesterday afternoon that Bullock was still an Evesham United player.

"Darren won't be involved with the club at the minute and he knows that he won't be playing in the short term," Mullen admitted.

However, Evesham's boss decli-ned to comment further but was obviously angry at his captain's latest disciplinary problems.

Bullock, shown the door at Worcester City last season, had picked up ten bookings prior to Saturday's sending off for dissent but had proved an inspiration in midfield and his presence will be sorely missed.

Nathan Jukes took over the captain's role but, like his teammates has a Saturday off this weekend as United are without a game.

However, Mullen has four training sessions planned ahead of the December 7 home date with Sutton Coldfield.

"We will be doing a lot of work," Mullen declared. "We will be trying everything we can to improve things and everyone is fully aware that we have got to get our act back together - certainly at the back.

"Every mistake we make is costing us and the seasoned players accept the blame for them. It's really frustrating because the goals we are conceding are not even good ones."