BEING a Scooby-Doo fan since childhood, it was a real treat to see my favourite cartoon characters transformed into real-life by actors.

The elite team from Mystery Inc are despatched to solve the puzzle of "Spooky Island" theme park.

Basically fun-loving teens are returning home as hate-crazed zombies.

Shaggy, played by Matthew Lilliard, steals the show with his cowardly jibbering and the wind-breaking contest is not to be sniffed at!

Another enjoyable extract is when Daphne "My body is a lethal weapon" Blake, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar, exercises her martial arts skills "Buffy-style".

Velma "Jinkies" Dinkley, played by Linda Cardellini, despite losing a couple of stone and gaining a cleavage, is very convincing too.

The special effects throughout the movie are, as you would expect, pretty mind-blowing.

All in all, it's a howling success, so Scooby-Dooby-Do go and see it.

It's a barking mad film! MJW