THE action revolves around Draycott Harris, a successful television chat-show host, who, contrary to his image, has had no luck with women.

He fails to notice that his secretary, Julia, is in love with him.

Thom Gordon played the part of Draycott competently, showing great promise. As his brother James, Richard Smith acted well, but should talk a little slower. Sometimes I had a problem understanding what he was saying because he spoke so quickly.

The ever-reliable Alison Faulkner played "good-time girl" Honey, who began trying to seduce one brother and ended up with the other - after giving him a black eye!

Wendy Richards deserves congratulations after taking over the role of Julia at just one week's notice after the previously-cast Hannah McCormack had to pull out through injury.

It can't have been easy to learn so much dialogue in so short a time but Mrs Richards gave her usual excellent performance.

Top marks go to Rosemary Jones, who regularly stole scenes as Draycott's long-suffering landlady, who also "does" for her client. Worldwise and practical, Mrs Finney sees all the "goings on", at her client's apartment, and pretends to disapprove.

I think she secretly enjoys the general mayhem, which brightens up her life with a husband who drinks, sleeps, and does little else.

What a pity there was not a bigger audience, as this was a good laugh.