A UNIQUE memento for a former pupil or teacher of a Kidderminster school is on offer.

The main sign which used to welcome people to Harry Cheshire Community High School is being auctioned off to boost Kemp Hospice's fund-raising appeal.

Sixty-five years of history will come to an end in September when the school is reborn as Baxter College, named after the town's famous 17th century church minister Richard Baxter.

The name change is part of a £700,000 investment programme by Worcestershire Education Authority to raise standards at the school.

Acting headteacher Allan Gilhooley hopes the postal auction will attract the interest of wealthy ex-pupils - or anyone else with an eye for the unusual.

"It's a good opportunity to raise some money for a local good cause - it's pretty rare that schools are re-named. Anybody is welcome to put in a bid.

"We've helped Kemp before - we've had a non-uniform day and I ran the London Marathon a couple of years ago and gave part of the money I raised to Kemp."

The closing date for bids is August 14. Offers marked "auction" should be posted to Harry Cheshire High School, Habberley Road, Kidderminster DY11 5PQ.