A FUN day out has put a smile on the face of a Kidderminster hospice.

West Midlands Co-op took staff and their families on a free trip to West Midland Safari Park - and asked each person to donate £1 to nominated charity Kemp Hospice.

The £1,840 haul will go towards running costs at the Sutton Park Road centre, which is also trying to raise £2.2 million for a new purpose-built home.

"Every year we have a family fun day and the last two or three years we've been to the safari park," said West Midlands Co-op service controller Steve Ridler.

"And each year we pick a different charity. Kemp Hospice is a good choice for the Kidderminster area."

Helen McTighe, fund-raising assistant for Kemp Hospice, said the donation was especially welcome.

"All hospices are suffering at the moment. It's just a general downturn for charities - they are all struggling to raise as much as they have in the past.

"We are very grateful for the donation. It is a fantastic achievement."