PARISH COUNCIL: Red Star's appeal to Wychavon DC against the wording used in the Certificate of Lawfulness: The general situation surrounding Red Star's position was discussed. It was noted that it may go to a local inquiry and the appeal was a legal not a planning issue. At present it stands that its activities are restricted to agricultural processing, under a Sui Generis Use, meaning unique to this certificate. It was noted that if industrial use was authorised then in theory any industrial operation could be covered by the planning certificate. The definition of imported produce was also discussed and whether there is a precedent for this type of case. It could be viewed as a test case for the whole of Wychavon, where the meaning of the B2 planning category in this particular situation is contested. A motion was proposed by coun Hall and seconded by coun Daymond-King, that the Certificate of Lawfulness issued by Wychavon District Council should stay as it is and the parish council supports Wychavon's position. This was unanimously carried. A letter will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate giving comments.