POLICE have reassured Worcestershire residents there is no specific terrorist threat to the area in light of the attack on Iraq.

But they have warned people to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious in the normal way.

It comes after the county council announced it was preparing advice for households in case of chemical or biological attack. In line with Government policy, this included a shopping list for 15 litre bottles of water, duct tape and first aid kits.

"In common with police forces nationally we will continue to monitor national and international events on a regular basis," a spokesman said. "But there is no specific threat to this police force area at the present time, and none that would cause us to provide specific advice or precautions to people living, working or travelling through the area."

The police, in partnership with the other emergency services, the health service, Worcestershire County Council and the district councils, has contingency plans in place to deal with different kinds of emergencies, including terrorist attacks.

"We will continue to review and exercise those plans as we always do," the spokesman said.

"Should there be any need to give any advice or information we will issue it through the local newspapers, radio and television stations," he added.

Dr John Asquith, head of the emergency planning department at county hall, said he believes the most likely scenario would be the county would be called on to help respond to an incident in one of the major cities in the West Midlands.

"If that were big enough we would be called on to help, just as other areas would be called in to help us in an emergency," he said.